The drinking age in Canada should not be lowered to 16.
The drinking age in Canada should not be lowered to 16 but kept at 19. Underage drinking can cause many problems in our communities such as vandalism, drinking and driving and homicide. Adding to the problem alcohol is widely available to Canadians. Alcohol is a drug it can be highly poisonous if consumed in large quantities, if too much alcohol is consumed the user may experience vomiting, unconciousness, or even death. Too many of our youth are getting into cars and dying because of their alcohol consumption.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Noise
Behind her the noise escalated... Anne had no idea what was following her on her long midnight walk home from work. She worked at the local "watering hole" serving rowdy loggers in a small lumber town up north. Anne lived in a small apartment whit her only daughter Isabella who was turning 7 in a couple of weeks. Anne's husband was “killed” almost 3 months ago in a logging "accident"; she didn't believe it was an accident... it was Anne’s belief that her husband was simply left in the forest since the body was never found. Lately she had been having trouble lately paying the bills and putting food on the table. She heard the noise again it sounded like shoes slapping the aged concrete. With a quick glance over her shoulder she saw a dark figure standing under the streetlight directly behind her, moving leisurely towards where she stood. Without due hesitation she started to run to her apartment building witch was only a block ahead of her, she heard the footsteps making a fast approach. All 0f the sudden Anne felt a familiar hand grip her shoulder, shocked she spun around to find her husbands dirty face staring back at her…
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Album and The Human Touch by Spencer Michael Free have great similarities. In Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie is diagnosed with ALS, a muscle wasting disease. Morrie teaches Mitch valuable life lessons on the things in life that matter the most such as love, family, aging, and death. As Morrie’s disease worsened he became reliant on other people to take care of him which allowed him to relate to being a child and he received “the human touch” which he craved so genuinely. “Tis the human touch in this world that counts” reflects on how Morrie feels about how the human race should be. Morrie believes that people should be less greedy and materialistic and lend a helping hand to someone once in a while.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Student Parking
So the school only decides to pave half of the former student parking lot and the next thing you know it’s full and we have to park on the road or somewhere else. The worst part is that on occasion teacher’s park in the student parking lot... it’s intended for students! Then to add to the crisis of the extremely inadequate parking grade 11's are starting to obtain their licenses so there is even more cars. Seeing as the lot was only paved 2 years ago whoever had the idea obviously didn't think ahead only a few years. If they paid attention they would have seen that the graduating class of 2009 is much bigger than past classes. Since the school always tells their students to plan for the future shouldn’t they of led by example and just looked a couple of years down the road and made the lot bigger to accommodate the students along with their vehicles?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
ordinary citizens are completly capable of committing atrocious acts. Peope act differently when they are Faced withthe"mob mentality".unfortunately things like stonings and genocides have happened in the past and even though we think everything is ok it is events like the holocaustas told by Elie Wiesel that shows the worst action of humanity.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Top 3 Worst Places to Lose Your Cellphone
- Chance of recovery
- chance of phone working
- overall cleanliness of the phone after it is retrieved
- Want for the lost cellphone
#3 Public Toilet
Ok so what are the odds that you’re going to want to go into a public toilet to get your cell phone that will most likely never work again? As soon at that phone touches that cesspool of urine, feces and bacteria, it is as good as done. There is enough of a risk just entering the washroom to begin with why would you go after your phone and risk injury, disease or death.
- Recovery rate: 0-10% (only for those with a strong stomach)
- Chance of phone working: 0-2% (phone may work if waterproof)
- Cleanliness of phone after: 100% covered with bacteria
- Want of the cell phone: 0%
#2 Roof of Your Car
You're in a rush you just hung up your phone and put it on the roof of your car and pulled out onto the open road. if you're lucky you will have a rubbery back to your phone which will increase the chances that your phone will not slide off. if the phone does not have a rubber back or the rubber back is facing up hopefully the phone does not break upon impact. The worst case scenario is your phone slides off and gets run over by another automobile.
- Recovery rate:0-20%(depends if you realized your phone fell of your car)
- Chance of phone working:0-100%(dependant on impact)
- Cleanliness of phone after:70-80%
- Want of the phone after90-100%(you might just pass it off as lost if you didn't like the thing)
#1 Ex Girlfriends/ Boyfriends house
Its over you two broke up and you're the lucky one who gets to storm out the house. Shortly after leaving you realize that your cellular device is not in your pocket and is probably sitting on the kitchen counter of your "Ex's" place. You have to walk back to their place knock on the door and hope that it isn't already smashed. If it isn't then you have to try and get it wich can turn nasty quick.
- Recovery rate: 0-100% (depends on how the break-up went)
- Chance of phone working: 0-100% (reliant on the smashing factor)
- Cleanliness of phone after: 50-100% (depends on how clean your "Ex" is)
- Want of the cell phone: 0-20%(odds are you wont want to go get it)
Thursday, February 5, 2009

If I could possess my choice of superpower it would be to fly at any velocity that I wanted to. Think about all the money that I could save. I wouldn't have any need to own an automobile to get around so I would save money by not having one. Taking a holiday would be cheaper as well, no plane ticket would be needed and airport delays would be non existent. The best part is that it would look super-cool to have a cape flapping around in the wind as I fly myself to school. Not everything about flying is perfect though. Insects would get in my eyes and mouth and it would hurt quite a bit to hit birds. Airports would be a rough place to fly around, dodging planes and hoping that I don't get myself sucked into a jet engine leaving the plane to make a crash landing in the Hudson River of course. Even with the negatives if I could fly through the atmosphere with my arms stretched out in front of me I would be a content man.
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